
Occasionally a rescued cat proves to be unsuitable for homing and becomes a permanent resident at the Rescue. These cats are our pensioners.  All pensioners are housed, usually in family groups, in large pens.  Other cats have smaller pens and are free to roam by day in the large garden.  Take a look at the photos of our pensioners below.

How to sponsor one of our Pensioners

Sponsorship costs £25 a year per cat .  In return, you will receive a sponsorship certificate and our newsletter three times a year.  You may choose to give sponsorship as a gift, gift donations cost £30.  In addition to the above, the recipient will receive a yearly letter from the cat as well as a birthday or Christmas card and a sponsorship certificate.

To sponsor a cat, the following details are required:

  1. The name of the cat you wish to sponsor;

  2. Your name and address;

  3. A completed gift aid form, if applicable.

  4. Details regarding whether the sponsorship is a gift:

  5. A Cheque made out for the relevant amount to the Avon Cat Rescue - refer to donation by cheque instructions

  • The recipient’s name and address;

  • whether the gift is for Christmas or birthday;

  • where applicable, the recipient’s date of birth.

Email details to mgth.hall@btinternet.com


post to: The Sponsorship Officer, 24 Hanson Avenue, Shipston on Stour, CV36 4HL


NT appeared in the garden one day.  He is a very friendly cat and was soon accepting several meals a day.  He moved into the house and was soon sleeping on beds. Now very tubby, he is well known down Chapel Street. Some people know him as Bertie and he is happy to accept a meal in anyone’s house.  He is a big character whose name is short for Naughty Tabby.


Stripe came to the rescue as a kitten with his mother and brothers and sisters.  The entire family contracted a nasty virus.  Stripe grew up to be a happy cat.  He lives in a large pen and is set free to roam the garden by day.


Smudge is Blanco’s sister.  She didn’t tame to quite the same extent that Blanco did.  Although she pretends to be shy and hisses, she doesn’t actually mind when she is touched.  She is very active and is always climbing about the pen, whereas Blanco likes to rest most of the time.  She enjoys playing in the Rescue garden every day.

Kiera & Lucy

Keira and Lucy are sisters who share a pen with Smudge. They love each other, yet are shy with people.  They enjoy their food and snuggling up together in a warm bed.


Peaches is really a feral cat and doesn’t approve of us. She is usually looking down on us from a high shelf making her disapproval apparent. These days Peaches has several cat friends and seems very happy.


Isabelle lives in our storeroom. She is 11 years old and has a bad heart murmur. She likes to sleep in her igloo bed on top of the canned cat food, but whenever anybody comes in and sits at the table she emerges and jumps on their lap and demands as much fuss as she can get. She has a marked preference for men though!