Your donations make a huge difference to us.  They enable us to continue to offer shelter, food and care to unwanted and relinquished cats whilst finding them loving homes.  Without your generosity we cease to exist.

Please donate today or why not sponsor a resident cat?  Details below.

How to Donate

By Cheque

Make cheques payable to:

Avon Cat Rescue

and forward to:

Avon Cat Rescue

The Barn House

Chapel Street

Welford on Avon CV37 8PX

An easy and quick way to donate money to the rescue by following the button link.

By Paypal

Account Number: 51012037
Sort Code: 40-43-19


Don’t Forget to Gift Aid Your Donation!

You can also support us via easy fundraising!

Easy fundraising is a service for online shopping that donates to a charity of your choice when you shop with one of over 7000 brands through their service, either using their app or browser extension. So why not sign up and put the Avon Cat Rescue as your cause, and you’ll generate donations for us just by shopping!